About Edgar Alacan

Co-founder and Managing Director of Jet.com

Edgar Alacan is co-founder and managing director of Jet.com, a private jet company he played a key role in building from a three-man startup to a staff of more than 50 with annual sales in excess of $40 million. Edgar Alacan has made safety top priority, and his firm takes pride in exceeding the more demanding FAR 135 regulation standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Edgar Alacan is affiliated with the National Business Aviation Association, Business Aviation Network, and Aviation Professionals. He also is a member of the board of directors for PietrosFight.Org, coordinating fundraising events to enhance awareness of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Prior to establishing Jet.com, Mr. Alacan served as private jet coordinator with Concord Private Jets, where he helped orchestrate client itineraries and trips, and tracked and reported feedback, sales, and costs. He obtained his undergraduate degree in business management from Brooklyn College.

Away from work, he enjoys bike riding, swimming, and fishing.